Energy optimization
In general, there are many forms of energy optimization in swimming pool construction to keep the pool water at the desired temperature.
A lot of energy/heat is lost through:
Evaporation of the water
Evaporation on the surface is the cause of the greatest energy loss in swimming pools. This corresponds to approx. 60-70% of the total loss.
Radiation at the water surface
Heat loss due to radiation on the surface of the water. Approx. 2/3 of the solar radiation is available for increasing the water temperature. The rest is reflected by the surface of the water.
Convection – heat loss through flow.
External attractions
Heat loss due to air intake from attractions.
Soil and/or groundwater
Heat loss to the ground and/or groundwater.
Fresh water
Heat loss due to fresh water supply.
Reduction in energy consumption
To keep these losses as low as possible, the following measures are recommended:
Swimming pool cover
Water heating
Water heating with heat exchanger or heat pump
soling the floor and walls of the pool (provided the appropriate environmental conditions are met)